Thursday, July 16, 2009


I figured I would write a quick update for those who may still actually look at this. Its been way too long, I know. But, here goes anyways.

Ty and I are still in Salt Lake and we love it up here. No plans to move any time soon!! I love my job, Tysen loves his school and is way too smart for his age. Anyone else have troubles being outsmarted by their 4 year old?

I am single now, for those who don't know. But please don't feel sorry for me, I feel like its a much better situation for me and I am Happy as can be. Mike and I actually get along better now! I still play a ton of softball, of course, and I am just enjoying life to the fullest right now!

Soon I will post some pics of the trip that Ty and I took to San Diego a couple of weeks ago. We had a blast, soaked up the sun while it rained here every day, and got re-acquainted with my favorite cousin. I would love to go back in a couple of months!

Anyways, theres a very quick update for everyone. Hope all is well with everyone who may still read this!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Ok, so I have to share this cake for the few people who actually read this! I got this recipe from a friend at work, decided to try it, and LOVE IT! So here's the deal, this cake has NO eggs, oil, butter, or added sugar. And it was super fun to make with Ty! This cake is virtually fat free, frosting included. You will end up pooping rainbows, but for those of us who have a sweet tooth, this cake ROCKS! Here are some instructions for those who have the urge to try this at home.

Here is what you need for the cake. 2 boxes of cake mix, Betty Crocker has been doing making cakes way longer than I have, so I trust she knows her stuff! 2 boxes of vanilla pudding, 2 12oz cans of sprite zero (or any clear liquid like ginger ale, sierra mist, etc), and some food coloring...I used the liquid drops, but gel food coloring would give better, bolder colors.

Mix the 2 cans of Sprite, 2 cake mixes and 2 boxes of vanilla pudding together in a large bowl. The fizz from the sprite will get very big at first so make sure you have a very big bowl! Don't worry, the fizz will go down, eventually, when you pour the sprite in. I had to beat the living hell out of this to get it pretty smooth. And remember, beat like hell!

Ok, now divide the batter up. I used 6 colors and it worked out very well!! It turns out to be a little more than a 1.5 cups of batter in each bowl. Measure it out and use the colors of your choice to make your rainbow colors. Like I said earlier, I know that gel colors would make much bolder colors, and not so "pastel-ish" like mine turned out.

Here comes the "hard" part. Ok, its not hard, but its the most time consuming part of this ordeal...but worth it! Grease the bottom of the pan & then line the bottom of the cake pan with wax paper so that it will come out easier. Now you have to layer the colored batter. So take 1 heaping cup of red, and pour it into the center of a 9" round cake pan. Add 1 cup of purple and dump it on top of the red, 1 cup of orange and dump on top of purple. Take the other 3 colors and do the same for the OTHER 9" round pan, so that the 2 cakes are opposite in colors. Finish the colors off in each pan...see the illustration if the words that you are reading are confusing you. At this point, I would recommend that the batter "settles" a little bit so that there isn't so much in the center of the pan. It will take longer to cook if it doesn't spread out in the pan. Bake the cakes according to the cake box.

So once the cake is cooked, toothpick comes out clean, and is completely cool, cut the "top" of the cake off so that its even with the pan. Make sure your cake is completely cool or it will not cut clean! I know from experience. =) Do this for both cakes, take them out of the pans and place them on top of each other to make one BIG round cake.

The cake is a little scary looking at first, but I promise that everyone will fall in love with this cake! I can honestly say that this is the most moist cake I have ever made! Its ridiculous how yummy it is, considering the ingredients. I was skeptical too, but I'm not a big fan and plan to make all my cakes low calorie! Time for the Frosting!!!!

This is by far the easiest frosting I have ever made. It consists of 2 tubs of sugar free whip topping and 2 boxes of vanilla INSTANT pudding. Mix them together and add some food coloring if you want, I didn't, but feel free! This mix will be very "grainy" at first, but the pudding will dissolve. The frosting will be SUPER THICK, so you have to glob it onto the cake and then spread it from there.


This is your finished product. Taste, savor, enjoy.

There was only 1 child harmed in the making of this cake. He was force fed cake batter and on top of that he had to eat it off a spoon that was much to large for his mouth, only to enhance the torture.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Family Pics 09

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thanks Dion!

I have to say Thank you to Dion Seneca for taking our pics...Ty's pic is one that I swiped from her until I get the disc. The Pics are amazing....THANK YOU!

Where'd I come from?

Ok, so I have to share this conversation that Ty and I had the other night and then continued this morning. I thought it was the cutest thing ever and so naturally everyone else will agree, right? This takes place sunday night as Ty is laying in bed, right before he is supposed to go to sleep...
ME: Thanks for being such a good kid!
TY: Your welcome Mommy
ME: Mom and Dad couldn't have asked for a better kid!
TY: Where'd I come from?
ME: You came from Heaven
TY: Heaven? (With a puzzled look on his face)
ME: Yes, Heaven.
TY: How did I get here?
ME: Well, me and daddy prayed to Heavenly Father that he would give us the sweetest, cutest little boy, and then he brought you to us!
TY: OH! (as if the light clicked on) That was sure nice of him.
ME; I know, we Thank him every day for you. Your the best kid ever!
TY: Thanks mom, I love you.

Tuesday Morning...
TY: Mom, you are the tallest and biggest mom ever!
ME: Thanks Ty! Thats really nice. (I think)
TY: How did I get here again?
ME: Heavenly Father brought you down to us, remember?
TY: Did he bring me in a box?
ME: No, you were in mommy's tummy.
TY: Your tummy isn't big enough. (gosh I love this kid!)
ME: You used to be little tiny when you were in my tummy.
TY: Did he put me there through your belly button?
ME: Yep, he did and you just kept growing and growing and growing, until you came out. And you are still growing!
TY: When I get big like you, my shirts won't fit me anymore.
ME: I know, we can buy you some new ones that will fit.
TY: Ok, I want my vitamins so I can get strong like you.
ME: You got it dude!

Ok, so maybe all of you won't think this is as cute, but it sure melted my heart. I love the fact that he is sooo innocent and carefree. Hope you stay this way forever buddy! Love you!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So for those of you who are enjoying the St. George weather, I thought I would share this. This is the amount of snow that we ended up with on Christmas Day. The little boy in the picture lives across the street, but he is the same age and height as Tysen...mind you this snow is at least 3 ft deep! We are so fortunate to have amazing neighbors (with snow blowers who are willing to help!). After we dug out our driveway, we spent the rest of the afternoon digging out some of the other neighbors. We had sooo much freaking snow that we got to make a sledding hill in our front yard for all the neighbor kids. Yikes! Welcome to SLC, right?!?!